On our first episode in celebration of Black History Month your co-hosts Martheya and Azaria interview Brenda Dixon Gottschild. In this episode we go behind the screen and talk about Brenda Dixon Gottschild’s career as creator, author, scholar, educator, and leader in the dance world. She shares what it was like growing up in the revolutionary community of Harlem, New York through the 1930’s-1960’s, the difference between activist vs. hater, the importance of having a supportive network of people as your allies, and tips for writing and staying present in the moment. Special thanks to Sandra Parks and the Women in Dance Leadership Conference for connecting us for this in-person interview.
[0:30] Martheya and Azaria introduce Brenda Dixon Gottschild
[2:19]Martheya asks: “Can you briefly walk us through your career path? Can you explain activist vs. hater?”
[9:35]Martheya asks: “Do you have advice on how to find supportive networks?”
[11:45]Azaria asks: “You are a truth teller, can you tell us about the backlash you have had?”
[19:00]Azaria asks: “It sounds like the common theme is allies?”
[19:18]Martheya asks: “How do you know what you want to focus on when writing your books?”
[26:19] Azaria asks:
1- If you had to recommend a resource to our audience what would it be?
Book- White Fragility, https://amzn.to/2Uoj9iY
Book- Nobody: Casualties of America's War on the Vulnerable, from Ferguson to Flint and Beyond
[26:50] Martheya asks:
2- What was the first dance you saw?
“When I was taken to the Apollo Theater….or Apache Dance”
[27:24] Azaria asks:
3- Do you think social media has a positive influence on the dance world (yes or no)?
[27:33] Martheya asks:
4- What is your favorite social media platform?
#BrendaDixonGottschild Recommended Resources
Organization- The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage, https://www.pewcenterarts.org/people/brenda-dixon-gottschild
People- Langston Hughes , https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/langston-hughes
School- The City College of New York, https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/
Website- The Root, https://www.theroot.com/
Website- Black Girl Magic, http://www.blackgirlmagicmag.com
People- Ruth King, https://ruthking.net/
People- Sterling Stuckey, https://newsroom.ucr.edu/808, https://www.blackpast.org/african-american-history/stuckey-ples-sterling-jr-1932-2018/
People- Susan Leigh Foster, https://amzn.to/2GUkypK
People- Lawrence W. Levine, https://amzn.to/31oq7pL
People- Toni Morrison, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Toni-Morrison
People- Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, https://www.urbanbushwomen.org/the-founder
People- Susan Manning, https://www.english.northwestern.edu/people/faculty/manning-susan.html
School- Temple University, https://www.temple.edu/academics/degree-programs/dance-major-bc-danc-bfa
Books- Joan Myers Brown & The Audacious Hope of the Black Ballerina: A Biohistory of American Performance, https://bdixongottschild.com/books/audacious-hope-of-the-black-ballerinapress-info/
Books- The Black Dancing Body; A Geography from Coon to Cool, https://bdixongottschild.com/books/the-black-dancing-body-a-geography-from-coon-to-cool/
Books- Waltzing in the Dark; African American Vaudeville and Race Politics in the Swing Era, https://bdixongottschild.com/books/waltzing-in-the-dark-african-american-vaudeville-and-race-politics-in-the-swing-era/
Books- Digging the Africanist Presence in American Performance; Dance and Other Contexts, https://bdixongottschild.com/books/digging-the-africanist-presence-in-american-performance-dance-and-other-contexts/
People- Richard Schecner, https://tisch.nyu.edu/about/directory/performance-studies/3508301
School- New York University, https://tisch.nyu.edu/dance
Connect with #BrendaDixonGottschild