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43 | #KathleenMcGuireGaines - Minding the Gap ​

Writer's picture: Knowbox danceKnowbox dance

On our fourth episode of Dance Wellness month your co-host Martheya interviews the founder of Minding the Gap, Kathleen McGuire Gaines. In this episode, we go behind the screen and talk about all things mental health. We unpack what resources to add to your toolbox, her viral Dance Magazine article ‘Why are we still so bad at addressing dancers' mental health?’, speaking to yourself with kindness, and Minding the Gap’s plans for developing a mental health program for dancers.


[0:29] Martheya introduces Kathleen McGuire Gaines


[1:25] Martheya asks: “How are you seeing the dance world reacting to everything right now?”

[4:26] Martheya asks: “I think you wrote about that (lost performances)?”

[6:11] Martheya asks: “How do you define mental health?”

[6:11] Martheya asks: “How do you define mental health? Can you talk about how you went from writing ‘Why Are We Still So Bad At Addressing Dancers' Mental Health?’ to where you are now?”

[11:15] Martheya asks: “What are some tactile strategies that you would suggest for those looking for free resources?”

[14:05] Martheya asks: “What would you recommend they say (reaching out to a mental health professional)?”

[16:05] Martheya asks: “I want to talk about social media in relation to mental health. How do you see social media impacting the mental health of dancers?”

[18:20] Martheya asks: “Do you have certain accounts you like to follow?”

[20:26] Martheya asks: “How can those that are listening start to advocate for the importance of mental health?”

[23:24] Martheya asks: “What are other ways people who have digital platforms can advocate for mental health?”

[26:55] Martheya asks: “Can you tell us more about what you hope to gain from the Minding the Gap longitudinal study with more than 200 dancers? What will you do with the data you collect?”

[29:08] Martheya asks: “What are the things you want to be able to say?”

[30:27] Martheya asks: “Is that how you created the graphics next to the study on your website?”

[33:59] Martheya asks: “What advice do you have for our listeners as we navigate our #newnormal?”

[35:22] Martheya asks: “What was the response after your first video?”

[37:52] Martheya asks: “Could you share 3 lifestyle tips for our listeners to help better their mental health?”

[43:26] Martheya asks: “How do you balance the heaviness of mental health?”

[41:37] Martheya asks:

1- If you had to recommend a resource to our audience what would it be?

2- What was the first dance you saw?

  • New York City Ballet- Swan Lake, “I was complete transfixed”

3- Do you think social media has a positive influence on the dance world (yes or no)?

  • Both

4- What is your favorite social media platform?

#KathleenMcGuireGaines #WeAreMindingtheGap Recommended Resources

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