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World Dance Resource List April 2020

Resource: Omenelick 2 Ato

Creator: Nabor Jr.

Description: A Revista O Menelick 2° Ato é um projeto editorial de reflexão e valorização da produção cultural e artística da diáspora negra com destaque para o Brasil. O projeto foi criado em 2007, e inicialmente restringia-se a ocupar o sítio virtual:

Em maio de 2010, após quatro anos de estudo sobre uma estética editorial que pudesse aproximar o novo negro urbano do século XXI as raízes ancestrais responsáveis por moldar a sua identidade cultural, foi publicada a primeira edição impressa da revista. Com tiragem trimestral, a publicação é distribuída gratuitamente em eventos culturais, shows, espetáculos, galerias de arte, lojas, bibliotecas e zonas de conflito da cidade de São Paulo.


O Menelick 2 ° Ato Magazine is an editorial project for reflection and appreciation of the cultural and artistic production of the black diaspora with emphasis on Brazil. The project was created in 2007, and was initially restricted to occupying the virtual site:

In May 2010, after four years of study on an editorial aesthetic that could bring the new urban black of the 21st century closer to the ancestral roots responsible for shaping their cultural identity, the magazine's first printed edition was published. Published quarterly, the publication is distributed free of charge at cultural events, concerts, shows, art galleries, stores, libraries and conflict zones in the city of São Paulo.

Resource: World Dance Alliance- Asia pacific

Creator: World Dance Alliance

Description: This independent, non-profit, non-political organization began as the Asia Pacific Dance Alliance in Hong Kong in 1988. In 1990, the global body, World Dance Alliance (WDA), was founded at the Hong Kong International Dance Conference, organized by the WDA’s founder Carl Wolz. In 1993, the name of the Asia-Pacific Center was changed to WDA Asia-Pacific to reflect its relationship to the global body. WDA Asia-Pacific is one of the regional centers that make up WDA Global. The other region is WDA-Americas. WDA Europe is in the process of being re-formed. WDA Asia-Pacific serves as a primary voice for dance and dancers throughout the Asia-Pacific region, and encourages the exchange of ideas and the awareness of dance in all its forms.


Creator: Arirang TV

Description: Arirang TV/Radio is a public service agency that spreads the uniqueness of Korea to the world through cutting-edge broadcasting mediums. Arirang TV/Radio is dedicated to the development of broadcasting, media, and the advertising industry, along with the advancement of culture and art.

Resource: Flowers Cracking Concrete: Eiko & Koma’s Asian/American Choreographies

Creator: Dr. Rosemary Candelario

Description: Flowers Cracking Concrete is the first in-depth study of the forty-year career of Eiko & Koma—two artists from Japan who have lived and worked in New York City since the mid-1970s, establishing themselves as innovative and influential modern and postmodern dancers… Rosemary Candelario argues that what is remarkable about Eiko & Koma's dances is not what they signify but rather what they do in the world. Each chapter of the book is a close reading of a specific dance that reveals a choreographic theme or concern.

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